Tuesday, May 12, 2009

All Taped Up

Well, I have had a lot going on recently.

Took the kids to the dentist and everything was a-ok.  Christian has all of his teeth.  No cavities in either kid.  Awesome!!!

I went to the ortho doc, Dr Theiken.  I really like him.  It turns out my meniscus is fine, but my tibia is bruised on the MRI.  He said that would usually happen from an injury or from stress on the knee.  He said if it was stress, he would expect the meniscus to be damaged and mine isn't.  So, that means I have injured my knee sometime in the past 6 months.  I am sure I smacked it and blew it off, thinking "I'll have a nice bruise there tomorrow."  

He said there isn't anything to do, except physical therapy.  I started that about 2 weeks ago and it is going much better than last time.  They are doing McConnell taping, so I am walking around with a bunch of tape on my knee.  It is really helping with the pain though.  After trying the taping 10 years ago in PT, I didn't think it was going to work, but so far, so good.  Alyssa is watching the boys for me during therapy.  It's great because it gets the kids used to their future babysitter.  They just love her.  And they are good, which is surprising.  Why can't they be good for me????

Bunco is Thursday night.  I have spent the day planting flowers and trying to make it look like children don't run my house.  I love spring flowers!!!!!  (Incidentally, if anyone is interested in picking up flowers, Marsh has the exact same ones as Lowe's and they are a lot cheaper.)  And, yes, Todd has not fixed the canopy yet.  I strongly suspect I will be on a ladder Thursday afternoon.  Hopefully, I will post some pics of Bunco.  

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