We took the boys on the Polar Express Saturday night. It was so much fun for them. We went to the Fisher's train station, where they read the Polar Express. Then, we got on the train and headed for the North Pole (Noblesville). At first, I was disappointed because we sat on the right side of the train, which had more of an industrial view. But, when we got to Noblesville, things were a lot better. The court house was all lite up and it was on our side of the train. Also, Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the polar bear waved from the right side, so we got a good view in the end. They all boarded the train and journeyed back to Fishers with us. Jake absolutely had a blast.

Christian seemed to enjoy himself too.

And finally, I have to share a couple of pics. This one is Christian whose fatigue got the better of him while he was trying to eat.

And here's one of Jake making an improvised train with my laundry baskets. Yes, I later found all of our clothing on the floor. He decided to pick up the house during the process.
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