Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, I am another year old. I am starting to get to that point in my life where I wish it wasn't true. Todd and I celebrated my birthday early. On Friday, we went to Benihana. The guy sitting next to me blew my cover (it was his birthday too) and "ta-da" the entire "birthday experience" was mine. They did take a nice pic of Todd and I.

I worked the weekend, so nothing eventful happened. Although, last night I was surprised by roses and my favorite cake (white cake with chocolate frosting).

The boys could have given me a break today, but they didn't. Jacob has been making messes all day. I'm not talking 'pick-up-your-toys-mess.' Today, he has dumped out the Coffeemate, dumped out the bread crumbs, and, as I am typing this message, gotten hand soap on the floor. Christian has spilled a Coke and this afternoon, threw my jewelry down the stairs. For about a half hour, I couldn't find my engagement ring. I didn't know if he swallowed it, or if it was just lost. Finally found it, thank God. Little Angels, right????

Take care all!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Saturday night, we went with our church group to the Salsbery farm for a fall evening out. The boys enjoyed themselves. Christian turned from Mr. Stranger Anxiety to Mr. Social, walking around and "talking" to everyone. We ate a bit and sat by the bon fire, then close to dusk, went on a hayride through Mr. Salsbery's farm.

About halfway through the ride, we all got to grab a pumpkin from his pumpkin patch. When we got back to the barn, everyone got glow in the dark items. Jake wore his around even after we got home.

The boys got quite dirty, but it was worth it. Now the trick is how to NOT carve the pumpkin. Jake remembers last Halloween and came home right away and grabbed a knife. We suspect Christian is allergic to melons, gourds, and such. He has eaten squash, zucchini, and a pumpkin cracker and been violently ill each time. So, naturally, we are concerned about carving the pumpkin and him getting into it. We will see. Maybe we can carve it and leave it outside.

Earlier in the week, it was raining. Jake decided to check it out. He put on his Spiderman sandles and sun hat and went outside. I gave him our golf umbrella to play with. As you can see, it is as big as he is.

In other news, we bought our tickets for the "Polar Bear Express," a train ride that goes from Fishers to Noble-tucky and back during December. They read the Polar Express on the way and Santa gets on board for the ride back. Sounds like fun!

I almost forgot my shameless plug. I am running the Operation Christmas Child project for our church and it revs up into high gear this month. If you want to help me out with a gift box or $$$ donation, let me know.

And. To Bright House. THANK YOU VERY LITTLE! Now I have to watch Survivor online and we have to watch the Colts game over the air! Quit being cheap!